Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What is on your transcript that is sent to colleges?

Is it just grades or is there more? How do colleges know about your sports and extracurriculars.What is on your transcript that is sent to colleges?
Your HS grades from freshman to senior year. Also, your SAT/ACT scores if your HS know them.

Extra curricular activities and sports - college will know only if you tell them on the application when you apply.What is on your transcript that is sent to colleges?
the schools have access to anything and everything stored in the school's computers and records, and files, in each office in the school, assesment scores whatever is on your transcript, the transcript itself, and any info you give to the school, along with any thing else the school has stored somewhere
Grades, SAT/AP scores, community service hours (if they are required). College know about your extracurriculars through your application. There is often a place to list them (or you can send a resume). You can also bring up other activities in your essay.

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