Wednesday, February 3, 2010

How does one go about obtaining a criminal trial transcript in the state of Michigan?

I'm curious about a criminal trial that took place in Oakland Township, MI about 4 years ago. I'm not sure how to go about getting a transcript for the trial--are those even made available to the public, or just available to media outlets?How does one go about obtaining a criminal trial transcript in the state of Michigan?
They are publicly available as they were done in the public interest on the public dime.

You'll have to contact the court clerk where the trial was held. If the township has several courts the clerk can look it up. A criminal trial will be styled ';The People of Michigan vs. %26lt;name of defendant%26gt;.'; There will be a fee for copying; usually about fifty cents per page. Or you can go there and read it for free.How does one go about obtaining a criminal trial transcript in the state of Michigan?
Contact the Court House, asks for transcriptions. If the trial concluded with the person who was on trial being sentenced then the case would be considered closed and would most likely be public record. If not, then you can't have it. But the case usually has to be closed before it becomes public record and can be distributed.

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