Sunday, February 7, 2010

What does it mean to be Suspended Indefinitely on your unofficial college transcript mean?

And how long is it until you can registar again?What does it mean to be Suspended Indefinitely on your unofficial college transcript mean?
It's very possible that even UoP won't let you register.

Suspended comes after probation and there are any number of reasons someone could be suspended. Two of the most common are that your grades have fallen below a level that would a low you to raise your GPA to 2.0 before graduation and the other is that you owe the school money.

Some schools will let you return if you remove the cause of suspension (ie: pay your bill) others require that you wait a year or two and reapply.

Sometimes, a suspension is the result of behavior or rules infractions (underage drinking, hazing) and in these cases, the suspension is for a specific period. Suspension for academic dishonesty (cheating) is a hard one to remove, you'd be pretty well tanked on that one.

Most have an appeals process that will allow you to appeal a suspension once.

Your real problem is that many schools will not allow you to register at their school if you're not eligible to return to your last school.

You should contact the school and find out exactly why you've been suspended. If it's a grade problem then appeal for a reduction to probation (but don't take any more classes there yet). If they approve you for probation then you can explore options to raise your GPA. The easiest way to increase your GPA is to take a full course load of courses that you're absolutely sure you will get an A in. For some people that's courses like choir, band, PE activities, etc... for others classes in the lower division of some department are a sure A. Bottom line though - 100% A classes and nothing else. Some people go to a local community college to raise the GPA only to find that the community college transfer level courses aren't any easier. The online option is actually harder than in-the-class; that's not the way to go.

This does not have to be educationally fatal unless you just give up.What does it mean to be Suspended Indefinitely on your unofficial college transcript mean?
It means you're screwed dude! Better start signing up for on-line classes with Phoenix!

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