Friday, February 5, 2010

How bad is it to have a ';withdrawl'; on your college transcript when applying for grad school?

I just withdrew from a class - physics. It's not required, but I'm planning on going to grad school for ecology. Will this look really bad on my transcript? My grades are otherwise pretty good, As and Bs.How bad is it to have a ';withdrawl'; on your college transcript when applying for grad school?
One or two withdrawls on your transcripts won't have any major impact on your chances of getting into transcript, especially if you withdrew from an upper division course.

Just be sure not to get too many W's on your transcripts, and try to retake an courses with a W later in your undergraduate studies and get a high mark in the course...

If you do that, then you can explain the withdrawl by saying you overloaded yourself with courses one semester, or that you struggled with one professors, but that overall you are a strong studentHow bad is it to have a ';withdrawl'; on your college transcript when applying for grad school?
It's not bad. It's better than failing. Just get good grades in everything else...bottom line is your GPA. I withdrew from 4 classes when I was in Binghamton. Now, I'm in law school. No big whoop.

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