Friday, February 5, 2010

Are you supposed to bring the transcript and letter of reccomendations to the DST rush?

In order to become a candidate you MUST attend rush. Is this the event that expects you to have your packet in hand??? Or will they host an event before the rush giving you info of what to bring.Are you supposed to bring the transcript and letter of reccomendations to the DST rush?
Unless they specify this info on the flyer's they posted on your campus, then no you do not have to have your transcript and letter of recommendation. You will need this info when you turn in your application which you will receive at Rush/Informational. At that time they will tell you what you need in order for your packet to be complete.

Good luck to you!Are you supposed to bring the transcript and letter of reccomendations to the DST rush?
have faith in god

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